How do you remove your contact lenses? Follow these easy steps!

How do you remove your contact lenses? Follow these easy steps!

Not only do we tell you how to put in your lenses, we also tell you the best way to remove them. Removing your soft lenses isn't easy for everyone. Especially at first it may take some getting used to, but over time you'll notice that it becomes easier and easier. And by taking out your lenses in the right way, you also have less chance of damaging them. So read the tips below carefully.

How to remove lenses: 4 steps


1. Wash your hands

Just as it is important to keep your lenses clean, it's also important to wash your hands thoroughly with a neutral, unscented soap before you touch them. Then dry your hands with a clean, lint-free towel.


2. Spread your eyes

When removing your lenses it is useful to use the hand that you write with to remove your lens from your eye. Hold your upper eyelid up with your other hand and with the ring finger of your writing hand, hold your lower eyelid down. Then look up before removing your lenses.


3. Removing your lenses

Touch the lower part of your lens with your finger. Then gently slide the lens to the lower part of your eye. Another way you can try: gently press the lens between your thumb and forefinger to remove the lens. It may vary from person to person which method you like best to remove your lenses.


4. Discarding or cleaning your lenses

If you have daily lenses, throw these away in the separate plastic waste. If you have monthly or weekly lenses, clean and disinfect them. A tip: make sure you have fresh lens fluid ready in the holder before you remove your lenses. And, of course, your lens holder needs to be clean before you start.

Oops, the lens sticks together...

It is possible that the lens surfaces will stick together after you have removed your monthly or weekly lens from your eye. Don't try to pull them apart immediately, but put the lens in the lens box with some liquid and wait a few minutes. Then you will notice that you can easily unstick the lenses.

Is the lens not loose enough?

If the lens is not loose enough or you still have trouble removing your lens, then it can help to blink your eyes a few times. What you can also try if you still don't succeed, is to drip some eye drops or lens fluid into your eyes before you take off your lenses.

Take your time

It sounds obvious, but don't rush when taking out your lenses. Go through the 4 steps above and it's sure to go well. It can be a bit slow in the beginning, but you will become more and more skilled as you get more used to it.

Don't sleep with your lenses in!

Although there are special lenses which you can sleep in, we still recommend that you don't keep your lenses in. This way you also give your eyes a rest and they won't start to irritate you.

Time to purchase contact lenses?

Browse our selection of top contact lens brands. We carry daily, weekly and monthly disposables, multifocal and more. Visit your local For Eyes or shop online in just a few clicks.



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